Study on strengthening the ecosystem for growth financing in Germany

02 Jul 2019

Study on strengthening the ecosystem for growth financing in Germany

acatech – Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften, KfW and Deutsche Börse have developed recommendations for action for politics, business and science in a joint project that could strengthen the ecosystem for growth financing in Germany.

These recommendations cover three areas:

  • Mobilising more domestic capital for growth financing 
  • Creation of adequate alternative financing instruments that go beyond the classic venture capital model
  • Better exploit the potential of cooperation between incumbents, scientific institutions and growth companies.

With a view to the possibilities of growth financing in China and the USA, Hauke Stars, member of the Executive Board of Deutsche Börse AG, calls for a more European approach to venture capital. “At the same time, we must also show entrepreneurs and investors attractive exit options, for example via the capital market. Since we in Germany are limited by the low shareholding ratio and a lack of investors in growth companies, it would make sense to link this to funded pension provision,” says Stars.

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