New iShares fixed income ETF on Xetra: Investment in euro high yield corporate bonds in line with the Paris Climate Agreement

Release date: 07 Dec 2023 | Deutsche Börse Cash Market

New iShares fixed income ETF on Xetra: Investment in euro high yield corporate bonds in line with the Paris Climate Agreement

Since Thursday, a new exchange-traded fund issued by iShares has been tradable on Xetra and via the trading venue Börse Frankfurt.

The iShares EUR High Yield Corp Bond ESG Paris-Aligned Climate UCITS ETF gives investors access to a portfolio of high-yield corporate bonds denominated in euros with a minimum maturity of one year. The portfolio is based on the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. In its securities selection, the fund pursues a best-in-class approach to sustainable investments.

Bonds issued by companies with revenues in sectors such as weapons, tobacco, thermal coal, oil and gas, as well as unconventional oil, gas and power generation are excluded.


Asset class


Ongoing charges

Distribution policy

Reference index

iShares EUR High Yield Corp Bond ESG Paris-Aligned Climate UCITS ETF

Fixed Income


0.25 per cent


Bloomberg MSCI EUR Corporate High Yield Climate Paris-Aligned ESG Select In-dex

The product offering in Deutsche Börse's XTF segment currently comprises a total of 2,121 ETFs. With this selection and an average monthly trading volume of around €16 billion, Xetra is the leading trading venue for ETFs in Europe.

Further information